Welcome back,
Welcome to the profile update section. Please update any details you want to change, then hit the "Update" button next to that section. Only edit information you want to change.

You'll be matched with other likeminded, active founders in your city on the 1st of the month. And the 1st of every month after that. Until then, sit tight and we'll be in touch soon!
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General info

Use the form below to update your public profile.
This information will be seen by your matches.
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Travelling? Moved cities? Use the form below to update your location. We use this data to match you on the 1st of the month.
This information will be seen by your matches.
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Top sports

Keen to try a few new sports? Update your preferred activities below.
This information will be seen by your matches.
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Business information

Launched a new brand? Changed your website? Update your business data below.
This information will be seen by your matches.
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Email Address

Use this form to update your email.
This information will be seen by your matches.
You will need this email to log in.
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Use this form to update your password.
This information is strictly confidential and is only used to log in/out of this membership portal. We can't see your password.
Must be at least 8 characters long.
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Update membership

You can automatically change your membership status below
(just remember, if you leave, you'll forfeit your current pricing and will have to rejoin at a higher price. You may also need have to go back on the waitlist.)
Update membership (danger zone)
Cancellations take effect immediately. If you've prepaid for additional months and wish to use them, we recommend cancelling during your final month.
Don't see the 'Update Membership' button? If you signed up before October 2024, your may not be able to adjust your membership through this portal. In that case, please email sports@artofmondays.com and we'll personally adjust your profile for you.
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Can't find something? Email sports@artofmondays.com and we'll help you out.